BDL Környezetvédelmi Kft.

We are present from the beginning of solving environmental issues: from the technological and environmental assessment, through the determination of development directions, the preparation of investment concepts and tender plans, classic civil engineering designing, until trial operation.

The engineering and business knowledge and broad experience of our staff and partners, covers the full technical fields related to design (technology, civil engineering, control engineering and automation), and the complex financial and economic knowledge associated with water utility services, investment planning and implementations.

Treated drinking water (m3)

by the DWTPs we had constructed

Treated waste water (m3)

by the WWTPs we had constructed

  • 2024/05/30

    Investment needs

    Investment needs in water and wastewater infrastructure and the inevitability of horizontal and vertical solidarity in fulfilling SDG 6

  • 2023/11/28

    Our services with ESG approach

    We can provide a full technical and economic service to the design and construction industry, with special attention to operators in the water industry, and prepare them for the practical application of the circular economy and ESG approach.

  • 2023/11/23

    Business-case study for Pilisborosjenő

    We respect water

News >

Case study

The remediation of the leather factory at Simontornya

As a result of the factory’s 150 years of operation, a large amount of pollutants drained into the ground waters: brine protein, lime and sulfur solutions, solutions containing calcium salt, chromium (VI) and chromium based tanning material, aliphatic hydrocarbons and toxic metals from paints, solvents and treatment agents.

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Latest references

The drinking water treatment plant in Vietnam

In Central Vietnam, Quang Binh province the water treatment project has been implemented successfully, the project consisted of a 10 000 m3/day capacity surface water intake point with required screens and pumping station, built on the bank of Rao Nan River which serves as the main water base.

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BDL Environmental Ltd.

H-1118 Budapest, Rétköz u. 5.



Phone: (+36-1)224-0670

Fax: (+36-1)224-0671

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